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Orders of Kerala Electricity Ombudsman  in pdf format
P/062/201 Sri. Dayaram, Kollam


The appellant is a commercial consumer in LT VIIB tariff having connected load of 1000 watts, vide Con. No. 6674 under Electrical Section, Cantonment, Kollam. While being so, he received an abnormal bill for Rs. 47815/‐ in 08/2016. He approached the Assistant Engineer, Cantonment with a complaint that he used to consume less and hence the disputed bill for Rs. 47815/‐ was not in tune with his consumption. Based on the complaint the meter was sent to the meter testing laboratory and the appellant has been directed to remit the bill amount as it was proved that the meter was working in good condition and the errors are within limit. Being aggrieved by this, the consumer lodged a complaint before the CGRF, Kottarakkara which was dismissed vide Order OP No. 346/2017 dated 22.04.2017. Aggrieved by this order, the consumer has filed the Appeal Petition before this Authority. From the conclusions arrived at as detailed above, I decide to quash the short assessment bill amounting to Rs. 47,815/- issued to the appellant. The respondent is directed to revise the bill by taking 120 units as consumption for the bill period from 20-06-2016 to 19-08-2016 and to issue the revised bill to the consumer within fifteen days. Having concluded and decided as above it is ordered accordingly. The appeal petition filed by the consumer is allowed as ordered and stands disposed of as such. The order of CGRF, Kozhikode in OP No. 346/2017 dated 22-04-2017 is set aside. No order on costs.
P/060/2017 Smt. Archana V.S. Thiruvananthapuram


The Appellant, Smt. Archana V.S. is a registered consumer of Electrical Section, Peroorkada having Consumer No. 32149 under Electrical Sub Division, Vellayambalam. The appellant has applied for a three phase electric connection under domestic tariff. The appellant was directed to remit an amount of Rs. 27,240/- as per the estimate prepared for effecting the service connection and he had remitted amount under protest along with security deposit of Rs. 2,400/-. The complaint of the appellant is that the respondent collected excess amount towards the expense of electricity supply than the amount authorized under the regulation in Supply Code. Being aggrieved, she filed petition before the CGRF, Kottarakkara and not satisfied by its decision to dismiss the petition, the appellant has filed the appeal petition. From the analysis done and the conclusions arrived at, which are detailed above, I take the following decisions. The respondent shall evaluate the works based on the actual quantities of the expenditure reasonably incurred and excess remittances if any, shall be refunded by adjustment in the monthly current charges/ direct refund within a period of one month. The order dated 06-03-2017 issued by the CGRF, Kottarakkara, in Petition No. 295/2016 is modified to this extent. Having concluded and decided as above, it is ordered accordingly. No order on costs.
P/055/2017 Sri. Shaukathali K., Malappuram


The appellant is an industrial consumer with consumer No. 7279 under Electrical Section, Edavanna having a connected load of 35 kW. The Audit team of Regional Audit Officer, Manjeri conducted an inspection during the month of November 2015 and found that the consumer was issued with undercharged bills from 10/2013 to 08/2015. Accordingly, the appellant was issued with a short assessment bill amounting to Rs. 94,395/- (Rupees Ninety Four Thousand Three Hundred and Ninety Five only). Aggrieved by this, the appellant had approached the Hon’ble CGRF (NR) by filing a petition in OP No. 188/2015-16. The Forum quashed the short assessment bill for Rs. 94,395/- and directed the respondent to issue short assessment bill in compliance to Regulation 134 of KESC 2014 for ToD energy charges, demand charges, electricity duty and meter rent as per the readings recorded in the office register. The respondent had filed a review petition before the CGRF requesting to review the order dated 30-06-2016 issued in OP No. 188/2015-16. It is submitted by the respondent that the Forum erred and failed to see the power factor incentive/disincentive has been introduced by the licensee from 01-09-2013 based on the order of the Regulatory Commission published in Kerala Gazette dated 9th September 2013 and it is constructive notice and hence a separate notice is not mandatory. The Forum allowed the review petition vide order dated 31-03-2017 in review petition No. 05/2016-17. Aggrieved against this, the appellant has submitted this appeal petition before this Authority. From the conclusions arrived at as detailed above, I decide to quash the short assessment bill amounting to Rs. 94,395/- issued to the appellant. The respondent is directed to revise the short assessment bill by deducting the incentive/disincentive from the calculation statement and issue the revised bill to the consumer within fifteen days. Having concluded and decided as above it is ordered accordingly. The appeal petition filed by the consumer is allowed as ordered and stands disposed of as such. The order of CGRF, Kozhikode in OP No. 188/2015-16 dated 30-06-2016 is upheld and the order of CGRF in Review Petition 05/2016-17 in OP No. 188/2015 dated 31-03-2017 is set aside. No order on costs.

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