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P/040/2017 Sri Sajive Manjila, Palakkad.
The appellant Sri Sajive Manjila, is an LT three phase consumer of electricity with No. 5871 under Electrical Section, Kunissery and is the Chairman of the firm, M/s Manjilas Food Tech Pvt. Ltd. The connection was said to be given under LT IV A – industrial tariff based on the application and certificate produced by the Applicant for a rice mill having manufacturing process. The registered connected load of the consumer is 133 kW with a Contract Demand of 120 kW. While being so, an inspection was conducted in the consumer’s premises on 20-09-2016 by the APTS, Palakkad of KSEB. It was detected in the inspection that no manufacturing process in the premises and a mahazar was also prepared noting down the anomalies found there. Since the tariff for a mill without manufacturing process comes under LT VIIA‐commercial, a short assessment bill for of Rs. 5,23,323/‐, was prepared to recover the revenue loss occurred, due to the difference in the tariff rate between the LT VII A ‐ commercial and LT IV ‐ industrial tariff and served on the consumer. Being aggrieved by the short assessment bill and the change of tariff of his unit, the consumer filed a petition before the CGRF, Northern Region, Kozhikode, and the same was got dismissed vide Order OP No.114/2016-17 dated 03-03-2017. Aggrieved by this Order, the appellant has filed the Appeal Petition before this Authority. In view of the above discussions, order of the CGRF, Northern Region, Kozhikode vide OP No.114/2016-17 dated 03-03-2017 is modified by limiting the assessment of wrong classification of tariff for a period of 12 months as per Regulation 97(5) of Supply Code, 2014, under LT VII A tariff. The appellant is also free to approach the respondent for reclassification of tariff on the basis of present activities and the respondent shall take proper action in the application under Regulation 98 of Supply Code, 2014. Appeal is allowed to the extent as ordered above and disposed accordingly. No order as to costs.


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Downloads 1268
Created 2017-06-14 00:00:00


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