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P/107/2015 - Fr. Thomas Vaikathuparambil, Lisie Hospital, Ernakulam
The appellant is the Director of Lisie Hospital, Ernakulam and a consumer having a high tension electric connection with consumer code 9/837 under Electrical Section, Kaloor. The original contract demand of the HT connection of the appellant is 750 KVA. The appellant had applied for enhancement of additional load of 750 KVA on 04-12-2012 along with application fee and advance amount. The work was proposed to be executed by the appellant under the supervision of KSEB. The respondent had directed the appellant to remit Rs. 55,531/- towards supervision charges for the works and the appellant remitted the amount on 27-03-2013. Meanwhile, the appellant had furnished an undertaking as directed by the respondent. On 29-05-2014, the respondents issued a demand notice to the appellant for Rs. 20,25,000/- towards the unconnected minimum charges for the period from 27-07-13 to 31-03-14 which was remitted by the appellant on 31-05-2014. Aggrieved by this, the appellant approached the CGRF praying to set aside the UCM charges and to refund the amount. The Forum, in its order dated 27-03-2015 in Petition No. CGRF-CR/Comp.139/2014-15/12, dismissed the petition as it is found devoid of any merit. Aggrieved against the said order, this appeal petition is filed. There is no ground for collecting an amount of Rs. 20,25,000.00 towards the UCM charges from the appellant. Since the appellant had already remitted the amount, the respondent is directed to refund the amount with interest at any rate within 30 days from the date of receipt of this order. CGRF order is set aside. Appeal is admitted.


Size 285.34 KB
Downloads 1349
Created 2015-09-11 00:00:00


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