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Excess MD charges collected from the consumer – eligible to get refund as per tariff order – P/240/2011 – Reji Varghese, Saj Flights, Thiruvanathapuram.
As per tariff order dated 27/11/2007, the demand charges of a HT consumer can be raised only for 75% of the agreed contract demand or the recorded Maximum Demand, whichever is higher. The contract demand of the consumer has been reduced w.e.f. 1/2/2008 as per CGRF’s order and hence consumer demands for the refund at least from that date. Held that the case filed before the Hon. High Court is not a bar for releasing the excess MD collected from the consumer during the period from 2/08 to 12/09, since the dispute before High Court pertains to the period of 11/05 to 2/08 only and KSEB does not have case against the requested period.


Size 109.38 KB
Downloads 1674
Created 2013-02-25 06:47:53


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