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P/061/2024, Sri. Mamathukutty
The appellant Shri. Mammathukkutty is a Consumer of Licensee (KSEBL) under the Electrical Section, Punnayarkulam, having Consumer No. 1157038020248. The connection is a Domestic Connection with tariff LT 1 A and the power was connected on 04/05/2024. The bills for the consumer were raised on bimonthly basis and the reading for 2/24 was taken on 3/2/24 and that of 4/24 was taken on 4/4/24. The meter reading for the month of 6/24 was taken on 7/6/24 and then the consumption recorded was 641 units and accordingly bill amount works out to Rs. 5598/-. Then based on the complaint from the consumer the bill was revised calculating the consumption for 60 days considering the average daily consumption as 10.015 units. The consumption for 60 days was arrived as 601 units and the bill was revised of Rs.5271/-. The appellant was not satisfied with the method of calculations of the Licensee and approached CGRF by filing the petition. The CGRF had issued order dated 31/07/2024 completing the procedure. This petition was filed to this Authority as the appeal to the CGRF order.


Size 92.74 KB
Downloads 190
Created 2024-12-04 06:51:51


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