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Forms Files: 11
Forms required for submitting complaint to CGRF and Ombudsman
Form for filing complaints with CGRF (Form-A)


Form for filing complaints with CGRF (Form-A)
Form for filing complaints with Ombudsman (Form-B)


Form for filing complaints with Ombudsman (Form-B)
P/021/2018 - Sri. Arun R Chandran, Ernakulam


The appellant represents M/s Indus Towers Ltd., a company providing passive infra structure service to telecommunication providers. The consumer number of the appellant’s three phase service connection is 14943 with tariff LT VI F which is coming under the jurisdiction of Electrical Section, Soornad North, Kollam. The appellant is paying the current charges regularly without any dues or delay. But the respondent as per the invoice dated 13-02-2017 directed the appellant to remit an amount of Rs. 1,01,173/- being the short assessment based on the findings that the meter was faulty for the period from 01-04-2014 to 26-12-2016. Against the short assessment bill, the appellant had approached the CGRF (SR) Kottarakkara by filing a petition No. 565/2017. The Forum dismissed the petition due to lack of merit, vide order dated 27-02-2018. Aggrieved against this, the appellant has submitted this appeal petition before this Authority. From the conclusions arrived at as detailed above, I decide to set aside the short assessment bill amounting to Rs. 1,01,173/- issued to the appellant. Having concluded and decided as above it is ordered accordingly. The Appeal Petition filed by the Consumer is allowed as ordered and stands disposed of as such. The order of CGRF in OP No. 565/2017 dated 27-02-2018 is set aside. No order on costs.

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Consumers should submit  petitions to CGRF first before appealing Ombudsman.

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