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Orders of Kerala Electricity Ombudsman  in pdf format
Abnormality in the light meter reading of the consumer – the appellant complaints the light meter reading unusually high & requests to refund the excess amount paid. P/260/2012, Janatha Tile Works Ltd., Malappuram.


The consumer’s light meter was found faulty (recording higher than the actual) when tested. The appellant argues that the meter was faulty from the date of installation and thereby collected excess amount towards current charges during that period. It is decided to revise the last two years bills because the consumption recorded for these two years were comparatively higher than the other years.
Adding costs of Transformer at the Substation demanded by the Licensee for getting supply to the multi-storeyed building – P/317/2012 – T.S.Asok, Thiruvanathapuram.


KSEB has collected the estimated cost for giving power to the appellant, including the Transmission cost (shared cost) of installing a 12.5 MVA transformer at the Sub station, for his multi-storeyed building. But KSEB has provided the electric supply without installing the new transformer as proposed and for which the amount was collected by sharing the total cost of transformer from 5 applicants. It is held that, collection of the cost of Transformer is not justifiable here, as the Board has released power without installing any Transformer as proposed.
Additional Load - P/047/2014 - Dominic Alexander, Kochi


The appellant, Sri Dominic Alexander, Lokah Restaurant, 33/2338, Chalikkavattom, Vyttila Bypass, Kochi – 682 019 is a commercial consumer with consumer No. 13218 under Electrical Section, Vennala. An inspection was conducted in the appellant’s premises by the APTS on 26/06/2012 and unauthorised additional load to the tune of 16 kW was detected. Based on the above findings, a short assessment bill for an amount of Rs. 2,31,654/- was issued on 17/12/2012 for the period from 07/2012 to 05/2013. Aggrieved against the bill, the petitioner approached CGRF on 18/01/2014. The CGRF disposed the petition directing the respondent to revise the assessment by limiting the period of assessment to three months from the date of inspection i.e. 26/06/2012, with a direction to regularise the additional load. Also directed to issue fresh bill for the fixed charges for the additional load regularised from 27/09/2012 till the regularisation of the same. Accordingly, the respondent issued revised bill for an amount of Rs. 70,158/- on 13/08/2014. Not satisfied, the appellant filed this petition. The petition is dismissed.

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