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Orders of Kerala Electricity Ombudsman  in pdf format
‘Standard of Performance’ – Failure to transfer the ownership within the prescribed time limit – P/251/2011 – Jyothi Prasad P, Kochi- 682011.


The appellant had applied for ownership transfer of the electricity connections standing registered in the name of his mother to his name, after her death. The complaint of the appellant is that the KSEB has failed to act as per the “Standard of Performance” prescribed by the Electricity Commission, ie. the transfer of ownership is to be effected within a maximum period of 14 days of receipt of application, if everything is proper. In the next electricity bill also the connection was still shown in the name of his mother. Hence the dispute.
Wrong tariff fixation of telecalling services - short assessment bill issued to recover revenue loss due to wrong tariff fixation – P/220/2011 – E.A. Noby, Kalamasserry.


It was detected by the APTS team that the consumer was engaged in the business of Call centre services and therefore comes under LT VIIA. But he was assigned LT IV-industrial for Software Devp. Activity. Hence a short assessment bill was issued to the consumer since the tariff for the Call Centre comes under LT VII A commercial so as to recover the revenue loss occurred, due to the difference in the tariff rate between LT VIIA commercial and LT IV industrial. Decided that the consumer falls under LT VIIA- commercial tariff.
Wrong tariff assignment - Revision of tariff as commercial to a self financial educational institution and issuance of arrear bill – P/310/2012 – R. Shaji, Varkala


The appellant’s institution was being billed under non-domestic tariff and the anomaly regarding tariff fixation has been detected during the inspection conducted by KSEB officials. The tariff was revised as commercial which is applicable to self financial institutions and an arrear bill was issued towards the differential rate of charges between the old and new tariff. The petition disposed of with direction to keep pending the short assessment bill issued till the decision of SLPs pending before Hon. Supreme Court on identical subject.

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