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Orders of Kerala Electricity Ombudsman  in pdf format
Order 09/2008 Appellent- M/s Kolikkal Granite Industries


M/s Kolikkal Granite Industries represented by its Managing Partner Sri Abdul Majeed  ,Ariamkulam,Kattippara,Thamarassery   submitted a Representation  on 7th April2008 against the Order No 115/CGRF/COMPL/2007-08/743/dt 16.2.2008 of Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum KSEB Kozhikode .The Appellant had made the following pleas in the Representation:
1.    The Ombudsman may set aside the Order dt 16.2.2008 of the CGRF
2.    The Ombudsman may set aside the Bills issued by the Board for the short assessment during the period 5/04 to 7/05.
Order 08/2008 Appellent- M/S Parison Foods Pvt. Ltd


M/s Parisons Foods Private Limited Calicut  submitted a representation on  3.4.2008 against the order No DyCE/CGRF/OP180/07-08/753/ dated 27.2.2008 of the CGRF Kozhikode wherein the CGRF had refused to entertain the Petition dated 29.10.2007 of the Appellant .The Appellant had sought the following relief from the Ombudsman: To issue a direction to the KSEB to refund the excess amount collected from the complainant by charging current charges at HT IV tariff instead of HT I tariff from 12.7.2002
Order 13/2008 Appellent- Sri V.Soumiandranathan, Kannur


Sri V.Soumiandranathan, Pookkode,  Kannur Dt  has submitted an Appeal Petition dated 7th June 2008 against the order no 80/CGRF/Comp/611 dated 25.102007 of CGRF Kozhiokide. The Appellant had sought the following relief from the Ombudsman:
1.    To modify the order passed by CGRF to pay compensation for the loss sustained by the Appellant
2.    To  direct the authorities concerned to execute the  order passed by CGRF

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Consumers should submit  petitions to CGRF first before appealing Ombudsman.

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