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Orders of Kerala Electricity Ombudsman  in pdf format
P/008/2018 - Sri. Viswamabaran K P., Kozhikode


The appellant had lodged complaints before KSEB against the erection of a ‘Stay and Wire’ in his property, by the KSEBL Officials, Electrical Section, West Hill, Kozhikode without obtaining his permission. This action was said to be done by the Section authorities as a part of system improvement and enhancing safety measures in the place of the wooden post replaced with a PSC post and stay attached earlier. The appellant is aggrieved at the ‘stay to Post’ erected in his land property without his consent. The appellant has approached the Board authorities for the removal of unauthorized, illegal erection of stay at appellant's property on 19-06-2014 to the electrical post P.P.32 under West Hill Electrical Section, Kozhikode and to get adequate financial compensation due to the difficulties, mischief, damages, obstructions, inconvenience caused to the life and property of the appellant and his family due to above illegal erection of stay even without obtaining any consent or intimation. Since no reply or action was taken by KSEB, the appellant preferred a petition before the CGRF, Kozhikode with a request to shift the ‘stay’ from his property. The CGRF had disposed the Petition vide order dated 09-01-2018, in OP No.116/2017-18, directing as; “The respondent shall shift the LT pole with stay to a location creating least inconvenience to the petitioner, with all safety measures. 2) the respondent shall carry out the shifting work within 30 days of remittance of DW amount. 3) the petitioner can approach the licensee for compensation.” Still not satisfied by the decision of the CGRF, the appellant has filed the Appeal petition before this Forum. In view of the above discussions, the respondent is directed to prepare a fresh estimate for labour charges for the shifting of the stay as proposed by the respondent within 2 weeks from the date of receipt of this order and communicated along with a notice to the appellant. It is also directed to complete the work without any further delay from the date on which the appellant remit the amount as per estimate. In case of any objections, the respondent is free to take action under Rule 3(b) the Works of Licensees Rules, 2006 and obtain necessary permission from the District Magistrate. Having concluded and decided as above, it is ordered accordingly. The CGRF order No. 116/2017-18 dated 09-01-2018 is modified to this extent. No order on costs.
P/009/2018 - Sri. Gangadharan C.,, Kannur


The appellant, Sri Gangadharan, is a domestic consumer with consumer No. 10105 under Electrical Section, Kakkayangad having connected load of 4250 Watts. The grievance of the appellant is that the respondent issued an exorbitant bill amounting to Rs. 23,119/- on 28-9-2017 for a bimonthly consumption of 2811 units. The appellant approached the respondent with a complaint against the impugned bill. But the respondent stated that they have checked the accuracy of the meter and no variations or discrepancies were noticed during the testing of the existing meter. Accordingly the respondent directed the appellant to remit the bill amount. Being aggrieved against the direction, the appellant filed a petition before the CGRF, Kozhikode with a request to grant 12 equal monthly installments and the Forum disposed of the petition vide order no. OP 120/2017-18 dated 16-01-2018 allowing the petition. Now the appellant has filed this appeal petition before this Authority with a request to waive the bill amount of Rs. 23119/-. The request of the appellant before the CGRF was for granting installments in the bill amount, but before this Authority is to waive the bill stating other arguments, which were not considered by the CGRF. Appellant shall be allowed to remit the previous bill amount for the month of 9/2017 for the time being. In view of the above discussions, the appellant is directed to prefer a petition describing his grievances before CGRF by complying with the formalities for filing petition, if he desires so and the CGRF shall consider the same. Having concluded and decided as above, it is ordered accordingly. No order on costs.
P/011/2018 - Sri. Nisam Abdul Rahman, Thiruvananthapuram


The appellant, Sri Nisam Abdul Rahuman, Puthenveedu, Melvettoor, Varkala is a registered consumer under Electrical Section, Varkala having Consumer No. 1145250003311. It is 3 phase connection with a connected load of 13499 Watts. He was received an exorbitant bill amounting to Rs. 69,004/- dated 01-09-2017 for the consumption of 8941 units for the bimonth from 01-07-2017 to 01-09-2017. A petition filed under Petition OP No.521/2017 before the CGRF, Kottarakkara, by the appellant was dismissed vide order dated 10-01-2018 and held that the bill issued is in order. Aggrieved by this Order, the appellant has submitted the appeal dated 12-02-2018 before this Authority. In view of the factual position I don’t find any reason to interfere with the findings and decision taken by the CGRF, Kottarakkara in this case and hence the order of CGRF is upheld. The appeal is found devoid of any merits and hence dismissed. No surcharge is payable by the appellant for the bill amount for the petition pending period before the CGRF and this Authority. Having concluded and decided as above, it is ordered accordingly. No order on costs.

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Consumers should submit  petitions to CGRF first before appealing Ombudsman.

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