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Orders Files: 1290
Orders of Kerala Electricity Ombudsman  in pdf format
Erection of a Stay and Wire in the property of the complainant without his consent – P/323/2012 – P P Viswanath, Pathanamthitta.


The complaint is that the new Stay and its Wire erected in his property touches the rubber trees planted and is causing danger to his life and also prevent tapping of the rubber trees. The Stay was erected by KSEB to rectify the slanting of the electric post standing on the roadside and also to set right the sagging of the electric OH line crossing the road to the other side. The Forum held that the KSEB has erected stay even after it was objected. The KSEB ought to have approached the Dist. Collector and acted after getting suitable orders. The Officials are found to have exceeded their power.
Non- implementation of tariff revision order for HT Sea food processing Industry in 2012 P/325/2012 – M/S Abad Fisheries, Kochi.


All sea food processing units are included in industrial tariff category as per new tariff order which came to effect from 1/7/2012. The cause of the complaint is that the KSEB failed to re-categorise the consumer in industrial category from the existing commercial category. The petition was allowed as the appellant is eligible for the HT I industrial tariff from the date of effect of revised tariff order.
Dispute on energy consumption during the Meter faulty period and reassessment bill issued – P/334/2013 – John BoscoC.J., Kochi.


The KSEB has not taken regular meter reading of the consumer for a long period stating door locked position. The consumer was issued with an arrear bill for the disputed period. The consumer was paying only the minimum charges (fixed charges) for the whole disputed period. The consumer is bound to pay the charges of electricity he has actually consumed. Held that the reassessment period shall be limited to one year instead of 24 months.The loss to the Board on this account may be recovered from the concerned Board officials, responsible for the lapses on their side, to take the meter readings in time.

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