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Orders Files: 1290
Orders of Kerala Electricity Ombudsman  in pdf format
Reassessment during meter faulty period – consumer challenges back assessment bill issued during the meter faulty period –P/236/2011 – Biju Karnan, Ernakulam


The respondent had issued a back assessment bill for the meter faulty period based on the audit report of the audit wing of KSEB. The appellant contended that the Limitation or Time bar under Section 56 (2) of Indian Electricity Act,2003 is applicable regarding this case and he is not liable to remit the back assessed amount. The appeal petition disposed of rejecting the contentions of the appellant.
Omission to read light meter consumption of the consumer – considered light meter as sub meter to the power meter – P/215/2011 – Rosy Thomas, Ernakulam.


A short assessment bill was issued to the consumer for the recovery of revenue loss based on the inspection of Audit wing who detected the light meter reading was not assessed for billing during certain period. Aggrieved by this bill, the appellant submitted the petition which was dismissed as it lacks merits.
Tariff fixation of Religious Trust - Issuance of monthly bill under LT VII A commercial tariff – P/221/2011 – The Christeen Trust, Kottayam.


The AE, KSEB has assigned LT VIIA tariff to the consumer, since it was found the major portion of the activities in the premises comes under commercial purpose. For multipurpose use of electricity from the electric connection or combination usage in a premise, the highest of the eligible tariff is applicable. Hence the petition dismissed.

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Consumers should submit  petitions to CGRF first before appealing Ombudsman.

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