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Orders of Kerala Electricity Ombudsman  in pdf format
P/104/2017-Sri. Pradeepan S


The APTS team had conducted an inspection in the premises of the appellant on 20-06-2001 and on the basis of the inspection a penal assessment bill for Rs.2,07,982/- was issued to the then occupant on 25-06-2001, alleging unauthorised additional load of 13 KW over and above the sanctioned load of 72 KW and for non-functioning of energy meter. the appellant shall remit the balance principal amount, as 50% of the principal amount was remitted earlier. The surcharge amount is quashed. 2. The respondent shall initiate RR action against the defaulted consumer, Sri. Sivadasan Nair, for the realization of the arrears. 3. On realization of arrear amount from the defaulted consumer, the amount remitted by the appellant shall be refunded.
P/100/2017-Sri. Antony K L


On 20-03-2017 APTS have conducted an inspection in the premises of the appellant and a Site Mahazar was prepared. As per site mahazar, it was detected that the electricity is being used from the industrial tariff connection (Consumer No19319) for the purpose of water pollution testing and food pollution testing, which is a commercial activity. Hence the tariff was changed to LT VIIA and a short assessment bill amounting Rs. 4,91,718/-was issued on the basis of the site mahazar. decide to set aside the short assessment bill amounting to Rs. 4,91,718/- issued to the appellant and the consumer number 19319 is retained under LT IV A Industrial Tariff.
P/029/2017-Sri. P.K. Prathapan


the appellant till commissioning of new CT on 12-02-2016. It is revealed from the data downloaded from the meter, by the TMR, Angamaly, there was one phase voltage (B phase) missing from 24-09-2015 to 12-02-2016 and recommended to review the bills for the above periods. Accordingly, the party was served with a provisional short assessment bill on 17-11-2016, when the meter was found recording less than the actual, so as to recover the unrecorded portion of energy, for Rs. 6,21,788/-. The order of CGRF in petition No. 108/2016-17 dated 04-02-2017 is modified to this extent.

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