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Orders of Kerala Electricity Ombudsman  in pdf format
P/003/2018 - Sri. Nanda Kumar Konat


The consumer No: 1167337011046 & 1167336008566 are effected in the name of Sri. A.S Sreejith, Sreevilas, Kanniampuram for running an industrial unit named M/s Preesa Foods & spices India (Pvt.) Ltd under Vaniamkulam Electrical Section. Both the service connections are effected under LT IV A tariff with a connected load of 33kW & 79kW respectively. The appellant, Sri Nanda kumar who is the owner of the building having the above connections, has approached the Assistant Engineer, Vaniamkulam Electrical Section with a request to change the ownership of the connections in his name or to disconnect the connections if ownership is not changed. In view of the pendency of the civil disputes, it is not just and proper for this Authority to make any authoritative decisions in this regard. The parties are left at liberty to approach this Authority or any appropriate Forum under the provisions in the Electricity Act, 2003 after settling the civil disputes, if they are so advised.
P/135/2017 - Sri. Reghunathan K


the appellant was served with a short assessment bill for the period from 7/2014 to 6/2015, when the meter was found recording less than the actual, so as to recover the unrecorded portion of energy, for Rs. 3241124/-. the order of CGRF is upheld.
P/133/2017 - Sri. Ramadasan A.K.


The appellant was issued a bill amounting to Rs. 1051/- for the consumption of 252 units for the bimonthly period ending on 10-02-2015. The appellant’s contention is that his consumption during this period was 230 units and hence the excess amount collected has to be refunded. Further the rent for faulty meter was collected @Rs.30/- for 28 months is also to be refunded. decided to set aside the decision of CGRF, Kozhikode issued in OP No.120/2014-15 dated 29-07-2015 and to quash the average bills (15 spot bills) issued for the period from 8/2012 to 2/2015. The respondent is directed to revise the bills for the consumption for the period from 8/2012 to 2/2015, by taking 203 units (3038 units/15 bi-months) as bi-monthly consumption and refund the excess amount collected by fixing average as 218 units and 230 units.

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