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Orders Files: 1297
Orders of Kerala Electricity Ombudsman  in pdf format
P/061/2019 - Smt. Lissy Chakko, Thrissur


The appellant is an industrial consumer having consumer number 15479 under Electrical Section Nadathara in Thrissur District. The appellant’s connected load in the premises is 22490 watts and contract demand is 26000 kVA. The complaint of the appellant pertains against the bill issued based on the meter reading taken in the month of 10/2018. The meter status of the appellant for the months of 07/2018, 08/2018 and 09/2018 were shown as ‘door locked’ and the respondent had issued average monthly bills during this period. Only after taking meter reading in 10/2018, it was noticed that huge energy consumption recorded in the meter due to earth leakage, but the respondent had billed based on the consumption by revising previous three bills from 07/2018 to 09/2018. The appellant’s request is for exemption from payment of average monthly energy charges and consumption due to earth leakage during the flood period in 2018.The CGRF, Ernakulam has disposed the petition No. 122/2018-19 filed by the appellant with the following orders. "(1) The bill shall be revised based on the average monthly consumption of 244 units. Petitioner is liable to pay the fixed charges." Still aggrieved by the order dated 28-06-2019 of the CGRF, the Appellant has filed the Appeal Petition before this Authority. From the findings and conclusions arrived at as detailed above, I decide as follows: 1. The respondent shall issue revised bills for consumption months of 06/2018 and 07/2018 in ToD billing taking the average of consumption recorded for the previous three months of 03/2018, 04/2018 and 05/2018. 2. The appellant is also exempted from average billing for 08/2018 and 09/2018 due to the flood occurred in 2018. The respondent shall be given bills for only monthly minimum charges for the months of 08/2018 and 09/2018. Having concluded and decided as above, it is ordered accordingly, and the Appeal Petition filed by the appellant, stands disposed of to the extent ordered. The order of CGRF, Central Region, Ernakulam in 122/2018-19 dated 18-06-2019 is set aside. No order on costs.
P/069/2019 - Sri. V.R. Joy, Thrissur


The appellant is a domestic consumer under Electrical Section, Mathilakam. The appellant was utilizing the agricultural service connection bearing consumer number 4078 registered in the name of Sri Raphel and later changed in the name of Smt. Thressia Raphel, mother of the appellant. This connection which was used by the appellant was disconnected and shifted to another spot on request by the registered owner. The appellant submitted a petition before Assistant Engineer, Electrical Section, Mathilakam against disconnection through an email on 21-02-2019. Since no action was taken by the Assistant Engineer, the appellant filed a petition before the CGRF, Ernakulam which was dismissed due to lack of jurisdiction, vide OP No.117/2018-19 dated 28-06-2019. Against the above order, the appellant has filed this appeal petition before this Authority with a request to reinstate the same connection. From the findings and conclusions arrived at as detailed above, I decide as follows: The appellant who was enjoying the benefit of the agricultural connection even after the change of ownership is not responsible for the lapses in the shifting of the connection to another premises. The officials of the Licensee involved in the changing of the ownership and the shifting of the connection in another premises is responsible for the lapses. As such the service connection shall be reinstated in the original premises within a period of 30 days on receipt of this order after issuing a notice to the consumer and the respondent shall bear the expenses for the same. The phase conversion and reduction of connected load effected is also quashed.   Having concluded and decided as above, it is ordered accordingly and the Appeal Petition filed by the appellant is allowed. The order of CGRF, Ernakulam in 117/2018-19 dated 28-06-2019, is set aside. No order on costs.
P/067/2019 - Sri Salim C.K. , Kottayam


The appellant is the consumer under the Electrical Section, Thalayazham, Vaikom. The appellant has applied for electric connection under domestic tariff. The respondent has informed the appellant that since weather proof wire has to be drawn across the public road, a support post has to be erected and for this the appellant has to remit a total cost of Rs. 9,190/- including GST. Aggrieving this, the appellant approached the CGRF. Since further action has not been taken by the respondent, the appellant filed petition before the CGRF, Kottarakkara in OP No. 59/2019 requesting to exempt him from remitting the amount. Being not satisfied by the decision of CGRF to dismiss the petition, the appellant has filed this Appeal petition before this Authority against orders dated 06-08-2019 issued by the CGRF. For the reasons detailed above, the appeal petition No. P/067/2019, filed by the appellant stands dismissed as it is found having no merits. The order dated 06-08-2019 in OP No.59/2019 of CGRF, Kottarakkara is upheld. Having concluded and decided as above, it is ordered accordingly. No order on costs.

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