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Orders of Kerala Electricity Ombudsman  in pdf format
P/060/2019 - Sri. Tanty K.O., Ernakulam


The appellant in this petition was a consumer of the Kerala State Electricity Board Limited bearing No. Consumer No. LCN 7/4514 under Electrical Section, Aluva Town. The supply was given in High Tension category with a contract demand of 200 kVA. Tariff applicable to the consumer is HT IA. The supply of electricity to the consumer is being used for the purpose of manufacturing of tread rubber, compound and allied products. The appellant availed additional power to the extent of 250 kVA on 17 06.2014 after executing a bond dated: 25-05-2012. The appellant had given a letter for disconnection and dismantling of electric connection on 27.03.2018. The Deputy Chief Engineer, Perumbavoor has given a letter on 17.04.2018, claiming Rs. 6,05,000/- as transmission development charge and arrear as Rs. 16,47,157/- and security deposit as Rs. 14,78,157/-. Aggrieved by this, the appellant filed a petition before the CGRF which was disposed vide Order No. 62/2018-19 dated 16-03-2019, ordering that the demand raised by the respondent is correct and the petitioner is bound to pay the same. Challenging the decision of the CGRF, the appellant approached this Authority by filing this appeal petition. From the findings and conclusions arrived at as detailed above, I decide as follows: 1. The Transmission Development Charges for Rs. 6,05,000/- issued to the appellant is quashed. The respondent shall issue revised bill for Rs. 4.95 lakhs as calculated above. No interest is payable by the appellant for this amount. 2. The arrear bill for Rs. 16,47,157/- issued to the appellant is also quashed. The respondent shall prepare a revised bill for the pending dues of current charges for the consumption of the months of 12/2017, 01/2018 and 02/2018 with interest till the date of remittance. 3. The respondent shall not collect the fixed charges amounting to Rs 6,08,400/- for the months from 04/2018 to 09/2018 from the appellant. 4. The respondent shall adjust the security deposit with interest against the above-mentioned pending dues of the appellant. 5. The respondent shall issue the revised bills within a period of 30 days from the date of this order and keep pending any Revenue Recovery proceedings during this period. Having concluded and decided as above, it is ordered accordingly and the Appeal Petition filed by the appellant, stands allowed to the extent ordered. The order of CGRF, Ernakulam in 62/2018-19 dated 16-03-2019 is set aside. No order on costs.
P/076/2019 - Smt. Yamuna Manoj, Thrissur


The appellant, Smt. Yamuna Manoj, is a single-phase domestic consumer with consumer No. 26693 under Electrical Section, Vellangallur, who is aggrieved by the exorbitant electricity bill issued to her for an amount of Rs. 10758.00 for the period from10-01-2019 to 11-03-2019. The connected load in the premises is 3623 watts from 11/2017 onwards. The appellant approached the Assistant Engineer with a complaint on 09-04-2019 regarding the excess reading of the meter and the impugned bill. Accordingly, the respondent verified the correctness of the meter by testing at TMR, Angamaly and found earth load tamper’ indications. Hence the respondent directed the appellant to remit the bill amount. Being aggrieved, the appellant filed a petition before the CGRF, Ernakulam and the Forum disposed of the petition vide order no. CGRF‐CR/OP 22/2019-20 dated 04-09-2019 with a decision that the petition is dismissed due to lack of merits. Against the decision of the Forum, the appellant has filed the Appeal petition before this Authority on 09-10-2019 From the findings and conclusions arrived at as detailed above, I decide to set aside the electricity bill amounting to Rs. 10,758/- issued to the appellant. The respondent is directed to revise the bill for the consumption period from 10-01-2019 to 11-03-2019 by taking the average of previous three bimonthly consumption i.e average consumption from 9-7-2018 to 10-01-2019 for 332 units. Having concluded and decided as above, it is ordered accordingly. The Appeal Petition filed by the appellant is found having some merits and is allowed. The order of CGRF, Central Range in Petition No. OP/22/2018-19/dated 04-09-2019 is set aside. No order on costs.
P/075/2019 - Smt. Sreedevi R, Kollam


The appellant is a domestic consumer under Electrical Section, Kadappakkada. The appeal is against the order dated 06-09-2019 of CGRF, Southern Region, Kottarakkara in the petition No. 80/2019. The appellant is still aggrieved by the order in not allowing the reliefs prayed by her before the Forum. The grievance of the appellant is as follows. Sri. Sreekumar, brother of the appellant’s husband availed electric connection in a portion of the same house where the appellant is owned and residing, without her consent. There was a case in the Hon: Munsiff Court, Kollam vide OS No. 407/2003 regarding the ownership of land and as per the order, the appellant received 9½ Cents and the younger brother of the appellant’s husband received 4½ Cents of land. Sri. Sreekumar and his wife are residing in two rooms of the building while measuring the land as per the Court Order. The appellant had requested the respondent not to effect another electric connection in the portion of the building, but they effected it. The appellant lodged complaint before the Executive Engineer to disconnect the electric connection, but the Executive Engineer also rejected the appellant’s request. Since an EP is pending for disposal and in the light by the above provision under 22(d) of KSERC Regulations 2005, which restricts the maintainability of the petition filed for the same cause of action and relief, the Appeal Petition filed by the appellant, need no further action at this Authority and hence stands rejected. However, the respondent shall take proper action on disposal of the EA No. 205 in EP No. 18/17 in OS No.427/2003 in the Court of Hon. Principal Munsiff, Kollam.

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