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Orders of Kerala Electricity Ombudsman  in pdf format
P-016-2020 dt. 11.08.2020 Dr. Ravi Sankar, Alappuzha


The appellant has raised dispute regarding the accuracy of the energy meter at the premises and complained that the energy was supplied with faulty meter which showing abnormally high reading previously when the service connection was on LT tariff. The respondent is directed to revise the bill for the period from 01/2016 to 09/2016 based on the actual consumption recorded in the meter installed on 10-12-2015 and excess amount if any, collected from the appellant shall be refunded or adjusted in future bills. The respondent shall also rectify the mistakes on calculation of electricity duty.
P-01902020 Sri. Abdulkhader, Wayanad


The appellant’s complaint relates that his application for availing HT connection to the premises was unnecessarily delayed. The KSERC have pronounced its order on 11-06-2020 and the grievance of the appellant has already been settled, the appeal petition stands dismissed as infructuous.
891-P.014-2020 Sri Gangadharan Thrissur


The appellant, Sri. Gangadharan K is a domestic consumer with Con no.1156767005738 under the jurisdiction of Electrical Section Pattikkad. The appellant being aggrieved with the delay in complying with his application for shifting an electric pole which was installed in his property years back, approached the CGRF, Ernakulam for refund of excess amount collected and for compensation for the lapses and delay caused in executing the work. The CGRF disposed of the case as “ The Licensee has to pay the compensation amount to the petitioner as per Standard of Performance, Clause 11(b) for the delay in execution of work excluding the period for rectification of Flood 2018, i.e., from the date of 25/11/2018 to the date of execution of work, which is to be realized from the concerned Assistant Engineer and Sub Engineer, vide order dated 17-01-2020 in OP No. 66/2019-20. Against the decision, the appellant has submitted this appeal petition before this Authority on 17-02-2020. From the analysis done and the conclusions arrived at, which are detailed above, I take the following decisions. 1. The respondent is directed to refund Rs.2443/- to the appellant. 2. The request for refund of amount of Rs.4500/- is rejected. 3. The compensation allowed by the CGRF, Central Region is not sufficient considering the delay of completion of the shifting work. Hence the appellant may approach the Executive Engineer, Electrical Division for compensation as per regulation 16 of the Kerala State Regulatory Commission (Standard of Performance of Distribution Licensees) Regulations, 2015. The order of CGRF, Ernakulam in OP No. 66/2019-20 dated 17-01-2020 is set aside. Having concluded and decided as above, it is ordered accordingly. The Appeal Petition filed by the appellant is found having merits and is allowed. No order on costs.

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Consumers should submit  petitions to CGRF first before appealing Ombudsman.

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