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Orders of Kerala Electricity Ombudsman  in pdf format
P002/2021-Sri. Sainulabdeen, Kollam - Order 28-06-2021


The meter reading in 4/2020 was not taken by the respondent due to the restrictions imposed in the ‘Lockdown period’ and hence, issued the bimonthly bill taking the average of the previous consumption. As per appellant, bills are exorbitant and suspected the meter was defective. The testing of energy meter in the premises itself with a calibrated test meter by the respondent is not accepted by the appellant and hence, the appellant can approach the respondent for the testing of the meter is a NABL accredited laboratory after remitting required testing fee within 15 days from the date of this order. The respondent shall select the laboratory for the testing with the concurrence of the appellant and testing shall be done within 30 days from the date of application for testing. If the meter is found good in the testing, the appellant shall remit the disputed bill amount within the revised due date fixed by the respondent. If the meter is found defective, the disputed bills shall be withdrawn by the respondent and issue a revised bill taking the bimonthly average of the consumption in the undisputed period from 28-08-2019 to 25-02-2020 for 478 units 509 units and 569 units. The appeal petition filed by the appellant is allowed to this extent and stands disposed of as such. The order of CGRF, Southern Region, in OP No: 70/2020 dated 29-12-2020 is set aside.
P-006-2021-Sri. Bhaskaran N.P., Malappuram - Order 28-06-2021


The appeal petition pertains to tree cutting compensation. The appellant complaints that the respondent cut and removed a teakwood tree from his property in a rainy season. The appellant lodged complaint to the Assistant Engineer, then to the Assistant Executive Engineer, Electrical Subdivision, Edakkara. Since no action was taken by both officers of KSEB Ltd., the appellant filed petition before the Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum (CGRF), Northern Region, Kozhikode demanding compensation vide OP No. 71/2020-21. The Forum dismissed the petition on 04-12-2020, observing “lacks jurisdiction to award compensation as per rules and the petitioner is free to approach higher officials of KSEBL for remedy of the grievances”. Accordingly, the appellant approached the Executive Engineer, Electrical Division, Nilambur for getting a compensation for Rs.30,000/-. The Executive Engineer replied that it was forced to cut and remove the teakwood tree along with other trees fallen on the 11 KV line in the entire route for restoring electric supply to the consumers. Not satisfied with the reply of the Executive Engineer, the appellant filed this appeal petition before this Authority on 25-01-2021. The grievance of the appellant has arisen due to the denying of tree cutting compensation by the respondent. It is clear that the petition itself is not maintainable before the Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum or the Electricity Ombudsman as per the Kerala State Electricity Regulatory Commission’s regulations. That is any dispute or complaints pertaining to such matters are not maintainable before the Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum and Electricity Ombudsman, as per Clause 2 (1) (f) of Kerala State Electricity Regulatory Commission (Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum & Electricity Ombudsman) Regulations 2005. Hence, the Appeal Petition filed before this Authority by the appellant is not maintainable. The order No.71/2020-21 dated 04-12-2020 of Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum, Northern Region, Kozhikode is upheld.
P-005-2021-Sri. Ravindran, Kollam - Order 28-06-2021


The connected load in the premises is 890 watts and the tariff allotted is LT IA. The normal bimonthly electricity bill was within the range of Rs.600/-. For the month of April, 2020 the respondent could not take meter reading and hence issued an average bill for Rs.572/- and which was also repeated in 06/2020 noticing abnormal consumption. After detailed inspection, the appellant was given an additional bill for Rs.57,680/- and disconnected the electric supply following leakage of electricity. The appellant filed petition in CGRF, Southern Region, and the Forum found the bill issued is in order. The appellant filed this appeal petition before this Authority. From the conclusions arrived at it is decided to quash the bill for Rs.57,680/- It is also decided to revise the bill as 50% of the disputed bill. The respondent shall issue a revised bill for Rs.28,840/- within 14 days to the appellant from the date of order giving 10 days for remittance. The appellant shall remit the revised amount within the due date fixed by the respondent and no interest or surcharge shall be collected from the appellant for the petition pending period before CGRF, appeal petition pending period before this Authority and till the due date fixed by the respondent for remitting the revised amount of Rs.28,840/-. Instalments shall be granted for the amount if the appellant desires so, as per rules. The appeal petition filed by the appellant is allowed to this extent. The order of CGRF, Southern Region, Kottarakkara in OP No: 64/2020 dated 21-12-2020 is modified as above.

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