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Orders of Kerala Electricity Ombudsman  in pdf format
P-017-2021-Sri. Mathew M. Varghese, Ernakulam-Order 13-08-2021


The appellant requested the Assistant Engineer to disconnect the electric supply and effect dismantling of the transformer. The appellant was given an electricity bill for Rs.79,775/- towards the assessment of “Deemed HT demand charge” for the months 12/2016, 01/2017, 03/2017 and 04/2017 in which months the maximum demand exceeded 100 kVA against the contract demand 83 kVA. The appellant approached CGRF, Central Region with requests (1) Quash the short assessment bill dated 07-08-2020 (2) Disconnect and dismantle the electric connection with effect from 26-08-2020 (3) Refund the OYEC charge remitted at the time of connection in 2013. Aggrieved by the decision of the Forum, the appellant filed the Appeal Petition From the findings and conclusions arrived at, it is decided as follows: - (1) The electricity bill for Rs.79,775/- issued to the appellant on 07-08-2020 towards the deemed HT charges for the months 12/2016, 01/2017, 03/2017 and 04/2017 is quashed. (2) The service connection of the appellant is treated as dismantled on 26-08-2020 and respondent shall not realize any demand charges after the month of August 2020. (3) The request for the refund of OYEC charge remitted by the appellant while availing electric connection in the year 2013 is rejected. The appeal petition filed by the appellant is allowed to this extent. The order of CGRF, Central Region in OP No. 44/2020-’21 dated 27-01-2021 is modified as above.
P-012-2021-Sri. Muhammed Riyas, Ernakulam – Order 13-08-2021


The officials of the TMR unit of KSEB Ltd. inspected the premises and they found missing of measuring voltage to the energy meter and issued short assessment bill for Rs.6,31,975/- with their finding that a portion of energy consumption was not recorded in the meter. The appellant approached CGRF, Central Region with a request to cancel the revised demands. It is decided on the appeal petition to quash the short assessment bill amount Rs.6,31,975/- (except the previous arrear in the system for Rs.17,550/-) issued to the appellant. The respondent is directed to revise the bill by taking 23023 units monthly consumption against 29348 units already taken for reassessment within 15 days from the date of order. The appeal petition filed by the appellant is allowed as ordered and stands disposed of as such. The order of CGRF, Ernakulam in OP No. 62/2021 dated 12-02-2021 is set aside.
P-024/2021- Christava Mahilalayam HSS-Order 03-08-2021


The tariff category of self-financing educational institutions was LT VIA prior to 01-12-2007 and which was changed to LT VIIA with effect from 01-12-2007. KSEB Ltd. raised a total demand of Rs.85,187/- towards the difference between the tariff LT VIA and LT VIIA. Later, as advised by KSEB Ltd. for a one-time settlement, the appellant remitted the entire principal amount of Rs.85,187/- along with the surcharge for Rs.47,659/-. The decision of Hon’ble Supreme Court came on 20-02-2020 and based on the judgment, KSEB Ltd. has no right to recover any arrear amount since the entire amount was remitted in 2018 under one time settlement scheme. On 23-12-2020, the appellant was given another bill for Rs.2,58,042/- along with surcharge for Rs.4,35,563/- in the consumer numbers towards the difference between LT VIA & LT VIIA for the period from 02/2010 to 05/2013 stating that the amount remitted in the year 2018 was the difference in tariff from 12/2007 to 02/2010. As such the appellant is not liable to remit the bill amount and this was not raised by the respondent in the year 2018. In the version filed by the respondent, it is stated that the appellant availed the benefit of one-time settlement scheme on 31-03-2021 and the surcharge was revised from Rs.4,35,563/- to Rs.1,46,399/-. The hearing of the case was scheduled on 21-05-2021 but the appellant informed that they availed the facility of one-time settlement scheme of KSEB Ltd. and the appeal petition is withdrawn by the appellant. Later the respondent informed that the appellant had remitted arrear amount under “One Time Scheme” in respect of consumer numbers 52 and 94 respectively on 31-03-2021. As such the appeal petition No. P-024/2021 filed by the appellant is closed.

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