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Orders Files: 1311
Orders of Kerala Electricity Ombudsman  in pdf format
P-056-2021- Kaithakuzhy Educational Association, Kollam-Order 16-12-2021


The appellant filed the Appeal Petition pertains to the consumer number 1145752012702 under Electrical Section, Chathannoor. The appellant is running Self Financing Educational Institution by name Nehru Memorial School, Kaithakuzhy. On 27-10-2020, the respondent had issued short assessment bill amounting to Rs.2,98,325/- as arrear energy charge following judgement of Hon’ble Supreme Court of India dated 20-02-2020. The appellant approached CGRF, Southern Region and the Forum dismissed the petition. The appeal petition No: P-056/2021 filed by the appellant stands dismissed. The order dated 16-04-2021 in OP No.110/2020 of CGRF, Southern Region is upheld.
P-055-2021- Kaithakuzhy Educational Association, Kollam-Order 16-12-2021


The appellant filed this Appeal Petition pertains to three premises under Electrical Section, Chathannoor. The appellant is running Self-Financing Educational Institution viz. Nehru Memorial School, Kaithakuzhy and the tariff category assigned is LT VI F. On 22-12-2020, the respondent had issued short assessment bills amounting to Rs.18,594/-,Rs.3,99,318/- and Rs.4,77,201/- respectively as arrear energy charge following judgement of Hon’ble Supreme Court dated 20-02-2020. The appellant approached CGRF, Southern Region and the Forum dismissed the petition. The appeal petition No: P-055/2021 filed by the appellant stands dismissed. The order of CGRF, Southern Region, in OP No. 04/2021 dated 27-04-2021 is upheld.
P-053-2021-Sri. K.M. Moosa, Idukki-Order 16-12-2021


The appellant’s premises is a Self-Financing Educational Institution having a High Tension (HT) electric connection at present. Earlier the HT premises was with a Low Tension (LT) electric connection and which was dismantled and availed HT connection. The short-assessment amount is for the period of LT connection in the premises. The respondent revised many times the short-assessed amount and issued to the appellant. As such, the appellant filed a petition before the CGRF, Central Region and the Forum dismissed the petition. The appellant filed this appeal petition before this Authority. The appeal petition No. P-053/2021 filed by the appellant stands dismissed. The order of CGRF, Central Region in OP No. 11/2021-22 dated 06-08-2021 is upheld.

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